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RKE2 OS Upgrade Process

This document (000021301) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


A Rancher-provisioned or standalone RKE2 cluster


You need to upgrade or patch the operating system of your RKE2 cluster nodes.


Below are the required steps to upgrade or patch the underlying operating system of nodes within an RKE2 cluster.

After upgrading each node, whether a worker or controlplane/etcd node, you should check that the node and cluster are healthy before upgrading the next node.

The steps to upgrade or patch the operating system are as follows:
  1. During the OS upgrade, don't stop the rke2-server or rke2-agent services
  2. Drain worker nodes before upgrading them
  3. Wait for the pods to be drained and scheduled to other nodes before upgrading the drained worker
  4. Perform the upgrade in a rolling fashion:
    1. Start by upgrading a single controlplane/etcd node at a time
    2. Upgrade one or more workers at a time (depending upon the capacity within the cluster to reschedule workloads to other nodes)
  5. Reboot the node after the upgrade is completed
  6. Un-cordon the node

Draining nodes during the operating system upgrade:
Controlplane/etcd nodes should not be running with the worker role, and so should not be running any user workloads. The rancher cluster-agent scheduled on these nodes runs as a Deployment of two replicas on separate nodes. As a result, you do not need to drain controlplane/etcd nodes during upgrade.

Special care if Longhorn is installed:
If Longhorn is installed on the cluster, please take a look at the upgrade requirements in the Longhorn documentation related to the version you are using, in particular the section concerning draining nodes:


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  • Document ID:000021301
  • Creation Date: 20-Dec-2023
  • Modified Date:02-Aug-2024
    • SUSE Rancher

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