Change wording of Section 2.5, “Support and life cycle” (Bugzilla):
-(...) this means SP4 will be fully maintained and supported until 3.5 years after the release of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5.
+(...) this means SP5 will be fully maintained and supported for the first 18 months and then gets support for 3 years under the conditions of LTSS.
Change kernel version from 5.3 to the correct 5.14 in the Kernel section of Section 2.1, “What Is New?” (Jira)
Added this changelog
Changed the link in the section about Trento Agent and Server
Changed wording in the section about Trento Agent and Server
-If you want to use the components of Trento (packages `trento-agent` as well...
+If you want to use the components of Trento (the agent in package `trento-premium` as well...
Initial 15 SP4 release
Changed support length to 3.5 years in Section 2.5, “Support and life cycle”